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Welcome to the Asia-Pacific Conference on Fundamental Problems of Opto- and Microelectronics 2022 (APCOM-2022) Dear colleagues! It is a great pleasure to invite you to the anniversary 20th Asia-Pacific Conference on Fundamental Problems of Opto- and Microelectronics (APCOM-2022) dedicated to 100th anniversary of Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics Academician Nikolay Basov. Nikolay Basov (14 December 1922 - 1 July 2001) was a Soviet physicist and educator. For his fundamental work in the field of quantum electronics that led to the development of laser and maser, Nikolay Basov shared the 1964 Nobel Prize in Physics with Alexander Prokhorov (USSR) and Charles Hard Townes (USA). He is inventor (jointly with Y.Popov and B.Vul and O. Krokhin) of the semiconductor laser and author of the idea of laser-assisted nuclear fusion The APCOM-2022 will take place from October 2-6, 2022 at the Presidium of the Far Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (FEB RAS), Vladivostok, Russia. Within the framework of the conference, previously open discussions will continue on the latest achievements in the development of optoelectronic, microelectronic and photonic systems, communication methods and devices, measuring systems and networks, on its application in biomedicine, state structures monitoring, non-destructive testing, in the technology of processing new materials, creating new principles and methods of information processing. The scientific program APCOM-2022 includes oral and poster sessions, within which plenary, invited, oral and poster presentations will be presented. The official language of the conference is English. The meeting is organized by
Topics of APCOM-2022:
Conference format The APCOM-2022 will be held in the hybrid mode: online & on-site (web link for on-line connection will be available for registered participants latter). The conference technical program will include plenary sessions, invited lectures, oral and poster sessions. The official language of the conference is English. All abstracts, report illustrations, and presentations must be prepared in English. Papers to be presented at seminars and poster sessions will be selected by Program Committee on the basis of accepted abstracts. Preferences will be given to young researchers, postgraduates and senior students. Official languages of the Conference is English. |
Vladivostok, Russia. 2022. IACP FEB RAS. |